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The Purge The Purge could be considered a horror movie; its more of a general thriller though. There are no creatures or paranorm asics sale al activity of any kind. But it centers on people l

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iving in fear. In this case, theyre living in fear of other people. The concept of the film is an intriguing one: for one day out of the year, people are allowed to commit crimes (including murder) to purge themselves of the hatred and v tiger colorado 85 iolence within themselves. It lasts for just 12 hours beginning at 7:00 in the evening, so people can prepare for when that time hits.

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The film takes place in the near future where the government has decided that this purge will do good. And many of the citizens agree with it, as it has led to a prosperous economy as well as an all-time low crime rate. By allowing crimes that you wont be prosecuted for during one day of the year, there isnt much reason to commit a crime on any other day. But imagine how scared youd be leading up to that one day.
Ethan Hawke plays a man who has capitalized on this annual day of purging. He sells high-tech security equipment for those who choose not to engage in criminal activity and simply want to protect their family or themselves. This includes himself as he has a wife and children. As 7: onitsuka tiger cheap 00 approaches, he enacts the security system which has been installed in his house. He has video cameras which capture whats going on in the streets though. That night, a man comes running to the house screaming for help as he claims to be the target of a group who is committing unmerciful killings. This is where the moral dilemma comes into play. Do you help the helpless or do you fail to act so that you can keep yourself safe? How do you even
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know you can trust those seeking help?
This plays out as an entertaining movie plot, although at times The Purge does seem rather unrealistic. Certain scenes are a bit predictable and at times it tries a little too hard to shock its audience. The masks worn by the bad guys are similar to those from The Strangers a few years back, but still effectively creepy. And while the film seems to imply that just about any ordinary person is capable of committing heinous acts of violence, it does make for a thought-provoking premise at the least. The running time is just short of an hour and a half so it zips by quickly and doesnt drag at all. It probably could have been done a little better in someone elses hands, but its good enough to keep your interest. Lets just hope that society never actually has to resort to this.